Spatial Economics has a range of areas of expertise with the underlying connection the linking of the skills within the disciplines of Planning, Economics and GIS. The areas of expertise range from Land Supply assessments that use innovative techniques to efficiently and accurately provide information to the in-depth analysis of Government policy. In all areas of expertise, Spatial Economics is dedicated to quality outcomes that meet the specific needs of the client.

Land Supply Assessments

Spatial Economics is a leader in the assessment of the availability of land for residential and industrial uses. We have extensive experience in land supply assessment across Australia for local, metropolitan, regional and remote locations.


Urban & Regional Policy

Spatial Economics assists Governments and Companies to make considered decisions on a range of policy issues. We have advised on several issues including the availability of greenfield land and the drivers behind the consumption of land. A detailed analysis of housing affordability that analyses the affordability of housing across metropolitan Melbourne used complex datasets and created various affordability measures to help understand the issue at both a spatial and financial level. We have advised on the underlying principles of Developer Contributions to support the provision of infrastructure.


Housing Policy & Strategies

Spatial Economics have completed several projects that relate to Housing policy and strategy. The collection of intensive data for both metropolitan Melbourne (Housing Development Data) and through the Regional Urban Development Program gives us a unique insight into the operation of urban and regional housing markets. We have completed several policy papers based on the outcomes of HDD providing great insight into the behaviour of housing markets in metropolitan Melbourne.


Housing Development Data

We have developed innovative techniques to create a longitudinal database that traces the stock and development of dwellings across Melbourne for the years 2004-2010. This is an ongoing dataset developed for the Victorian State Government known as Housing Development Data. This dataset utilises skills and techniques from the disciplines of planning, economics and GIS to create a highly flexible dataset that allows the user to determine stock and development on a lot by lot basis.


Spatial Analysis

Spatial Economics has accumulated a wealth of experience with spatial data through our innovative work in the Urban and Regional areas. We can extract the most out of any dataset whether it is geocoded or has other geographical references and have the data analysis capabilities to tackle the most complex datasets.


GIS Software Development

We have developed unique GIS software that is central to the completion of a range of projects. This has included programs written in various enviroments that underpins the data collection and reporting for Housing Development Data. Further we developed a user-friendly interface using complex data for the Housing Capacity Assessments undertaken by the State Government. We have also developed applications in other computer languages.


Demand Projections

Spatial Economics has extensive experience in producing detailed population and household demand projections. Population and household projections have been central to several projects that we have undertaken including developing housing capacity models. We take pride in the transparency and robustness of the projections that we produce.


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